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Technology and agency selection

Our clients rely on our independence and know-how when selecting and evaluating suitable technologies, tools and agencies.

In cooperation with you, we will find the right provider for your individual requirements and preferences.

Your benefit
Use of the most suitable systems and agencies, considering your business objectives
Data sovereignty and transparency within the company
Integration of technologies and agencies into existing structures for best possible results
Our approach

Analysis of your existing system and agency structures as well as internal processes and procedures.

Collection and development of the specific requirements, considering all existing stakeholders.

Analysis and evaluation

Benchmarking of existing requirements, processes, and structures. Expansion of these, considering the company’s goals as well as target-oriented feasibility.

Creation of prioritised lists of requirements and features, taking score values into account.


Development of an implementation and rollout plan, considering timings, responsibilities and accountabilities.

Integration of the technologies and agencies into existing processes and structures. Definition of rights and roles.


The review and selection of agencies is a major undertaking and should not be approached with too little energy, time, and resources. DIGITAL FORWARD guided us from the initial request for services to the negotiations with the agency. Especially in the prioritisation of the requirements and the benchmarking of the service offers we felt very well supported.


What are the most common mistakes in technology selection?

Technology alone does not solve problems. Big names do not necessarily stand for success.

The development of suitable use cases, concrete requirements and objectives is essential for the success of any technology or agency selection project. Without concrete goals and existing resources, any technology decision can and will lead to dissatisfaction.

In which areas can we provide support?

Our focus is on marketing technologies, such as web analytics, attribution tools, DMP, email marketing, CRM solutions, etc.

We are not the right contact for ERP, web shop, and backend solutions, but can certainly recommend a partner here.

For agency selection, our focus is on all CRM and digital marketing disciplines.

How can we ensure that all relevant providers are considered in a selection?

For more than 10 years, our focus has been on the further development of digital marketing for different industries and business models. Through this, we get to know all the relevant providers, both on the sales level but of course even more importantly on the implementation level.

We do not have any contractual relationships with the providers but maintain very cooperative relationships with them to always be up to date.

In addition to our recommendations, however, the experience and wishes of the customer is certainly also important and will of course be considered in the selection process.

How can we assist you?
Let’s talk about your ideas.
We are looking forward to your call or message.
+49 40 6094001-0